Alcohol Rehab in DeSoto, TX

Seeking treatment at an alcohol rehab in DeSoto is the first step on the journey to recovery from alcohol addiction. Alcohol treatment centers provide a safe environment to detox and begin the recovery process, yet far too many people avoid seeking professional treatment to regain control over their alcohol consumption.

Most people assume they can simply quit drinking at home using a bit of willpower and learning how to ‘say no'. In reality, the majority of people underestimate the severity of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, which often results in the person ‘falling off the wagon', or relapsing back into a pattern of self-destructive drinking habits.

By comparison, seeking treatment at a professional alcohol rehab in DeSoto provides an alcohol-free environment in which to begin the recovery process. While residing at our inpatient rehab in DeSoto, the person is effectively removed from people and places associated with abusive drinking habits.

The objective of treatments in an alcohol rehab center is to help the recovering person get through the detox process safely while ensuring that the alcohol withdrawal process is as comfortable as possible.

Rehab treatment programs in DeSoto integrate a range of therapies to address the underlying psychological triggers behind addictive drinking problems. The objective is to teach recovering alcoholics new strategies for coping with life without the need for alcohol. Therapy also helps teach people in recovery strong relapse prevention strategies to reduce the risk of ‘falling off the wagon', or relapsing back into self-destructive behaviors.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a quiet drink over dinner with friends or enjoying a celebratory toast at a party. However, when drinking patterns become self-destructive, they're considered alcohol abuse.

Some common signs of alcohol abuse include:

Drinking more than the recommended amount in one session: Drinking more than two drinks per session for a male or one drink per session for a female is considered a form of alcohol abuse.

Drinking alone: When a person begins drinking alone outside of social situations, it could be a sign of self-medicating. Some people feel the need to have an alcoholic drink to unwind after a stressful day or to relax after work or just to take the edge off a tense situation. No matter the reason, drinking alone could be a signal of an impending alcohol abuse disorder emerging.

Binge drinking: Many people choose not to drink at all during the week, but may choose to binge drink on weekends, consuming enormous volumes of alcohol in an attempt to get drunk. Binge drinking can cause serious health problems and may be a sign of an alcohol abuse disorder.

Black-outs: Drinking to excess can cause gaps in memory about events that happened while intoxicated that are known as black-outs. Some people may have partial memories of events, but may not remember everything that was said or done while under the influence, which is also known as a brown-out.

Isolating behavior: Many people spiraling down into an alcohol abuse problem may begin to isolate themselves from social situations or activities in order to remain at home to drink more. Over time, a person with a drinking problem may become increasingly more isolated.

Alcohol Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Abusing alcohol over a period of time can cause significant changes in the brain's chemistry, which increase the risk of developing an alcohol addiction. Common signs of alcohol addiction include:

Cravings: A persona succumbing to the grip of addiction will begin to experience cravings to drink alcohol. The person may feel the urge to drink in order to relax, or boost confidence before a social event, or to take the edge off a tense event. As the addiction progresses, the person will crave alcohol just to feel ‘normal'.

Loss of control: Losing control over the amount of alcohol being consumed or the frequency of consumption is a strong sign of addiction.

Repeated failed attempts to quit drinking: Many people caught in the grip of addiction may promise themselves or others they'll quit drinking, only to fall back into familiar old drinking habits almost immediately.

Tolerance: As a person continues to abuse alcohol, the brain begins to adapt to the presence of the substance in the system. As a result, the person needs to drink more in order to achieve the same effects. From the outside it can appear as though the person is able to drink a large volume of alcohol without appearing drunk.

Withdrawal symptoms: If a person who has become dependent on alcohol tries to stop drinking suddenly, they may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. In an effort to avoid the onset of symptoms, many people will continue to drink at abusive levels.

Physical dependency: Drinking heavily over a period of time can cause the brain to adapt to the presence of alcohol to such an extent that it is no longer able to function properly unless the person continues drinking more alcohol. Stopping alcohol intake suddenly can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be potentially life-threatening. Many people will continue drinking heavily in an effort to avoid withdrawal symptoms. At this point, the person is considered physically dependent, or addicted.

Alcohol-related Death Statistics

Statistics show that Texas is one of the worst states in the country for the number of people injured or killed in alcohol-related car crashes. A total of 39.5% of traffic deaths in Texas were the result of alcohol-related crashes.

Anyone struggling to regain control over their drinking habits needs to seek professional treatment in alcohol rehab in DeSoto. Addiction specialists in an alcohol rehab center can administer prescription medication to make the alcohol withdrawal process safer and more comfortable.

Yet, despite the high number of people in America with drinking problems, only a small percentage enters into professional alcohol rehab in DeSoto. There are plenty of different reasons why people avoid entering treatment. Some may deny the severity of their problem believing they still have their drinking under control. Others worry about the alcohol rehab cost, especially if they're already experiencing financial difficulties as a result of their drinking habits.

The objective of alcohol rehab in DeSoto is to help the recovering person develop new ways of living a healthy, productive lifestyle without the need for alcohol. The key to making a successful recovery from prolonged alcohol abuse is to seek help from a professional alcohol rehab center. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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