Dual Diagnosis Treatment in DeSoto, TX

Dual diagnosis treatment in DeSoto is an integrated form of treatment designed to treat drug or alcohol addiction at the same time as incorporating treatment for a co-occurring mental health disorder.

In the past, people struggling with co-existing disorders were often sent to separate systems of care to deal with each problem individually. Drug rehab centers would provide one system of care to treat the person's addiction. Only after the person had graduated rehab would they be allowed admittance into a mental health care facility to receive opposing methods of treatment to address the mental health issue.

The result of trying to treat a person with co-existing disorders in opposing systems of care was often poorer outcomes and an increased risk of relapse.

By comparison, dual diagnosis treatment in DeSoto provides integrated treatment to address both disorders concurrently. Dual diagnosis treatment programs take into account the type of drug being taken and the mental health disorder before determining the correct combination of therapies to use to improve outcomes.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is the term used when a person has at least one substance disorder and symptoms of at least co-occurring one mental health disorder.

Statistics show that up to 65.5% of people struggling with a substance abuse disorder also had symptoms of at least one mental health disorder. Conversely, 51% of people with symptoms of at least one mental health disorder also struggled with a substance abuse disorder.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

There are some types of mental illnesses that are more commonly linked to substance abuse than others. These can include:

Anxiety: Anxiety and panic disorders cause sufferers enormous distress, which can increase the likelihood of the person self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to escape painful emotions or numb unpleasant feelings.

Depression: Clinical depression is a severe mental illness that has long been linked to drug and alcohol abuse. Many people with depressive illness may try to elevate mood using drugs or alcohol. However, many substances can trigger symptoms or make existing symptoms of depression worse.

Bipolar: Bipolar disorder was once commonly known as manic depressive disorder and is characterized by intense changes in mood and behavior. Statistics show that around 56% of people with bipolar have experienced a substance abuse disorder at some point in their lives.

OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that causes the person to feel irrational fears and anxiety that make them engage in compulsive rituals to seek some temporary relief. Trying to treat a person at a drug and alcohol rehab in DeSoto for addiction without also addressing the co-occurring OCD problem is likely to be ineffective. However, dual diagnosis rehab can improve outcomes.

PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extremely debilitating mental disorder that causes intense anxiety. Many PTSD sufferers turn to drugs or alcohol in an effort to numb painful thoughts or escape from distressing emotions. Statistics indicated that 52% of males with symptoms of PTSD also struggle with an alcohol addiction. Statistics also show that many people with PTSD also have symptoms of other mental illnesses, including depression and attention-deficit disorder (ADD). Dual diagnosis treatment programs in DeSoto can be particularly challenging for people with PTSD, requiring specialized therapies and treatments to improve outcomes.

Treating Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis treatment in DeSoto uses a range of different therapies and treatments to improve outcomes. Psychotherapy plays a critical role in dual diagnosis treatment programs and can help to improve symptoms of both the mental illness and substance abuse.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is also a positive aspect of treatment. CBT works to address dysfunctional patterns of behavior and teach the recovering person healthy new ways to manage symptoms and cope with urges.

Psychopharmacology, or use of prescription medications are useful for treating the symptoms of mental illness and can play an important role in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Depending on the type of drug the person was taking, addiction specialists in dual diagnosis rehab may also prescribe certain medications to help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Dual diagnosis treatment in DeSoto also incorporates group support therapy sessions that provide a positive place to share frustrations and develop new social networks among peers facing similar challenges. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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