Drug Detox in DeSoto, TX

Drug detox in DeSoto is the first step in the recovery process from drug or alcohol addiction. Drug detox programs are intended to reduce the severity of any withdrawal symptoms and make the recovery process smoother.

The actual treatment used for drug detox in DeSoto will vary for each person, depending on the type of drug being taken. Treatment may also be modified if the person has symptoms of a co-occurring mental health disorder that may also need to be treated simultaneously through our program for dual diagnosis treatment in DeSoto.

What is Drug Detox?

Drug detox is the process of eliminating the effects of a drug from the body. If a person has become physically dependent on the drug, it's likely they'll experience withdrawal symptoms if usage stops suddenly.

Some common types of drug detox programs offered include:

Natural detox: The natural drug detox process is also commonly called going ‘cold turkey'. Essentially, the person just stops taking the drug or stops drinking. Depending on the type of drug being taken, it's possible that some people may experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms that could require emergency medical assistance.

Medical detox: Perhaps the most common types of drug detox programs are those that administer prescription replacement medications, such as methadone or Suboxone, to recovering opiate addicts. The objective is to use treatment medications to reduce the severity of any withdrawal symptoms that may emerge once usage of the drug or addiction is stopped. Over a period of time, the dosage of the treatment medication is tapered down so the person becomes free from both drugs.

Medicated detox: A person entering drug detox in DeSoto for addiction to drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamine may require medicated detox. There are no replacement medications for treating cocaine or meth detox, so medical staff may administer non-addictive prescription medications to reduce the severity of any withdrawal symptoms that do emerge.

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Drug Detox

The actual symptoms associated with withdrawing from a drug of addiction will vary depending on the type of drug being taken.

Opiate detox: Withdrawing from opiate drugs, such as heroin, OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, or morphine can produce unpleasant symptoms that include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, muscle aches, anxiety, insomnia, flu-like symptoms, runny nose, excessive yawning or sneezing, and depression. By comparison, a person withdrawing with the medical drug detox process may avoid the worst of those symptoms.

Stimulant detox: Detoxing from stimulant drugs, like crack cocaine or crystal meth or Adderall, may not produce the dramatic physical withdrawal symptoms of opiate detox, but the psychological symptoms can be far more dangerous. These can include excessive fatigue, anxiety, paranoia, delusions, psychosis, profound depression, and suicidal tendencies. Addiction specialists in a drug and alcohol rehab center may prescribe antidepressants or anti-psychotic medications to help alleviate some symptoms,

Sedatives: Trying to go cold turkey after developing a dependency to sedative medications, such as Xanax or Valium can cause potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms and may require emergency medical assistance. It's crucial that anyone detoxing from sedative drugs tapers down the dosage being taken slowly over a period of time under medical supervision.

Alcohol: A person with an alcohol abuse disorder who tries to stop drinking suddenly may experience extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be potentially dangerous. Seeking help for drug detox in DeSoto can provide the medical supervision needed for recovering alcoholics to complete the detox process safely.

Who Needs to Enter a Drug Detox Program?

Anyone caught in the grip of drug or alcohol addiction should enter professional drug detox programs. Rehab treatment programs in DeSoto provide a safe environment to begin the recovery process with proper medical supervision on hand.

Despite the availability of professional rehab treatments, it's common for many people to avoid seeking the treatment they need to break free from the grip of drug or alcohol addiction. Some are concerned about the potential drug rehab cost. Others deny they have a problem, believing they still have their usage under control.

In reality, completing a comprehensive drug or alcohol rehab treatment program offers the best possible chance of making a successful recovery. The key to rehab treatments is teaching each person in recovery strong new coping skills and recovery tools for living a productive life without the need for drugs or alcohol. Call us now at (877) 804-1531

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