Rehab Treatment Programs in DeSoto, TX

Rehab treatment programs in DeSoto integrate a range of different therapies to treat drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction treatment therapy models teach recovering addicts new ways of coping with life without the need for drugs or alcohol.

Drug and alcohol rehab programs assess each recovering person before tailoring the best combination of therapies needed to suit their needs. The first step in any drug rehab program is detox, which removes the effects of the substance from the body.

Depending on the type of drug being taken, some people may require prescription medication to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Others may be given different medications to treat any adverse symptoms that may emerge throughout detox. When detox is complete, rehab treatment programs in DeSoto begin working to address the psychological side of addictive behaviors.

What is Addiction Treatment Therapy?

There are a number of different models of therapy that might be used in drug and alcohol treatment centers, including:

Cognitive behavioral therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented type of psychotherapy treatment that teaches recovering addicts new coping skills and positive management strategies for dealing with life without turning to drugs or alcohol.

Motivational interviewing: Motivational interviewing (MI) is a specific type of counseling method designed to improve motivation and resolve a recovering person's feelings of ambivalence.

Motivational incentives: Motivational incentives can help provide the ongoing motivation for a person to maintain sobriety. Small rewards or incentives are given in return for positive behaviors, such as remaining drug-free.

Group meetings: Group support meetings provide a positive forum in which to express emotions and vent frustrations throughout the recovery process. Group meetings also provide an opportunity to develop new social and support networks among peers experiencing similar challenges.

Relapse prevention programs: A critical aspect of most drug and alcohol rehab programs is helping each recovering person develop a strategy for relapse prevention in DeSoto. The person is taught to identify their unique addiction triggers and recognize early warning signs of a potential relapse. Recovering people are also taught various ways to reduce the risk of relapsing back into self-destructive patterns of behavior when they are faced with high-risk situations.

Alternative therapies: A crucial component of the addiction recovery process is learning healthy, positive new ways of coping with life without turning to drugs or alcohol. Many alternative therapies are ideal for reducing stress and relieving feelings of anxiety or depression associated with the addiction recovery process.

Some common types of alternative therapy that might be integrated into conventional additional treatment therapy programs include exercise programs, nutritional therapy, creative therapies, job skills training, study programs, equine or animal therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and meditation.

Aftercare programs: Treatment for drug or alcohol addiction doesn't end when the person leaves rehab. In fact,we offer access to a range of programs for addiction aftercare in DeSoto that provides ongoing support through the recovery process.

Which is the Right Addiction Therapy Program?

Everyone responds differently to different types of therapy, so rehab treatment programs in DeSoto need to be tailored to suit each person's unique needs. Some people may respond well to certain addiction treatment therapy models, while others may achieve better results from different combinations of drug and alcohol rehab programs.

Rehab treatment programs in DeSoto also need to attend to multiple needs of a recovering person and not focus solely on the drug or alcohol addiction. Many people caught in the grip of a substance abuse disorder struggle with low self-esteem, poor feelings of self-worth, and often have financial problems.

Some alternative therapies can help improve self-esteem, while job skills training can increase employment prospects. Returning to a study program can also help to improve employment prospects. Finding positive employment after leaving rehab helps boost self-confidence, improve the person's financial situation, and offers the opportunity to develop new social networks of non-using friends.

When a variety of drug and alcohol rehab programs are used to treat a person struggling to overcome addiction, it's possible to improve the chances of making a successful recovery. The key is to participate in a broad selection of rehab therapies and assess the effectiveness of each for the recovering person's individual needs. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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